Thursday, July 15, 2010

Day 15 - Expenses

It does cost money to do a garden. I have been including the benefits of what we harvest each day and some of you, the critical ones, are saying "you have to pay for all that you do". Yes, the garden does have some expense that goes along with it. I will be including recurring expenses and not one-time expenses. For example, I will not include the cost of each fruit tree in the yard, but if I buy some starts or seeds I will include them. I will also include the cost of water...about $10 per month.

So, up to now we have had one expense. I bought a bag of potting soil to start my seedlings for $6.00. I want to talk about how I start my seedings in a future post.

Day 15:
1) Three zuchinni ($3.00)
2) Basket of Strawberries ($2.00)

Total (Year-to-Date): $54.50
Expenses (Year-to-Date): $6.00

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